Square folded illustrated paper maps
Made by locals, city passionates, volunteers
Made by and for young people: night shops, fries spots, cheap places…
Not commercial: nobody pays to appear on the map
Free (yes!)
Up-to-date (18-months lifetime for a map)
Not a hipster guide, neither a mainstream info brochure: act like a local, not like a tourist. to get your collector paper edition.
USE-IT started in 1971 (in hippie times) as a low-budget info desk for young travellers in Copenhagen. A few other initiatives followed later in Norway, the Netherlands and Belgium, always with the same non-commercial philosophy. In 2005, the first USE-IT Map for Young Travellers was made in Ghent (Belgium) and it became very popular very fast. In 2008 the international organisation called ‘USE-IT Europe’ was founded to help more young people with creating their own city maps.
Every USE-IT is largely independent. Every local initiative gets subsidies to run the project, usually from local authorities. USE-IT Oslo is paid with Norwegian money, USE-IT Milan with Italian money, and so on. However, everybody shares the USE-IT principles and is member of the same European organisation called USE-IT Europe.